Thursday, May 16, 2013

The pain of learning something new

This morning the boy child wanted to make his own breakfast. So scrambled eggs it was.

I am a sunny side up guy, but he sees mommy make scrambled eggs all the time. Whereas I scramble the eggs in a bowl then put them in the pan, mommy cracks the eggs into the pan and scrambled them in the pan.

As I see it,  all this does is serve to remove the butter from the bottom of the pan, and allowing the eggs to stock and consequently burn.

Mid - egg cooking,  the boy, ON HIS OWN ACCORD,  decided to take out the trash. And since it is Thursday he also dragged the trash can to the curb. This is A WIN, right!?

Well it's a win for the ongoing trash struggle,  not so much for the eggs.

The eggs were overcooked to a very high degree. I outlined what we learned today and put salsa on the eggs.


To sum it up - pre scramble your eggs and do NOT constantly air them in the pan,  and do not walk away from food cooking on the stove.

Happy Trash Day my friends!

Oh,  the pain part? Yeah,  he closed the cheese drawer on his thumb and there was a complete freak out and very much crying . Who knew a little plastic drawer could cause so much pain?! And got raw egg on his shirt. So he had to change. In doing so,  the collar of the shirt scratched his eye. More crying and freaking out. Yes. This is the way it goes.

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