Yes, I grew up watching Days of our Lives. Grandma watched it, my mom watched it. And now, I pay it homage in the title of a blog.
Full circle, people. Full Circle.
The holidays are a time of stress and disappointment. Don't kid yourselves.
Let's talk about what happened with the Boy child.
Everyone knows about his obsession with his pants. My solution was- overwhelm him with options, and he won't be so OCD. IF he has 8 pairs of pants, he won't be so prone to always wanting to wear the 1 out of 4. Does this make any sense? I thought it did, but now it absolutely doesn't. Sad news.
ANYways- I bought him 5 new pairs of pants.
All the wrong size.
So he opened the pants on Christmas morning and of course wanted to wear them immediately. This became a "I'll return them and get the right size" battle. He didn't care if they didn't fit, he wanted to wear them THIS MINUTE!
I succumbed and told him he could pick out one pair and wear those. Then I would return the others and get the right size.
All has worked out- the last 2 pair were from Target and I returned them then gave him the gift card. We went and picked out 2 new pairs last night. MAROON (not burgundy. Don't call them burgundy. It says MAROON) and dirty blue CORDUROY pants.
Man, back in the Days of our Lives times, I hated corduroys. Man I really avoided them as much as possible. But if that's what I had, that's what I wore. Now the boy CHOOSES cords.
Full Circle people, full circle.
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