Thursday, December 19, 2013

"Dress up days" at school

You know the drill... it's the last week before school is released for a break, so the school pretty much throws those days away.  "Color Day" "Superhero Day" "Crazy Hair Day" "Neon Day" etc

Today the Boy child had "Pajama Day"

Ah yes, the mainstay of Spirit Weeks around the country.  Party theme extraordinaire.

My son does not understand that pajama day means "Wear your coolest pajamas"

This morning was a 40 minute battle to get him to wear pajamas.  He insists that it is "What you wear to bed" day.  Therefore, he felt that he should wear basketball shorts (against dress code at school and not acceptable to our house rules) and a tank top (also against dress code and house rules)


Our explanation that "Pajamas" are listed on the labels of many pajamas.  It actually says "Pajamas" on the tag

Parents often sleep in undies.  Would they go to a pajama party just in undies? (shhh.  He doesn't know that, you cheeky monkey)

People wear pajamas to Wal-Mart.

Remember when you went to Aunty Prune's house to spend the night with your cousins, and you insisted that I go BUY you pajamas?  That was 3 weeks ago.  You loved those pajamas.  Wear those pajamas.

Oh no.

So- eventually he ended up wearing the pajamas from Aunty's house. After 40 MINUTES of arguing, rolling on the floor crying, standing up and giving the evil mad face.

Children- good times, good times...

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Waste Basket

Got up at 6:00 this morning to explain to the boy child how his behasvior the night before was not acceptable.  I was at work, but it ended up with him going to bed without dinner because he sassed back to his mom.

I had made a list of things for him to do, prior to going to work and he blew it off.

SO- one of the things was his usual Wednesday night chore of emptying the waste baskets.  A perfectly reasonable chore for an (almost) 11 year old boy.

You all know the struggles with the waste basket.

"Can I take the trash out now?"
"Did you finish the waste baskets?"
"Did you get the one in the laundry room?"
"Did you get the one at the tech center?"
"NO, but that's the hardest ONE!"

Yes, people.  There is a waste basket in the house which is difficult.

A waste basket.  This is a woven basket with an open top.  Into which persons walking by, toss trash.

There is not a secret code which must be entered to insert or remove the waste.

A drop of blood from a newborn lamb is not required to be placed into a port in order to open the waste basket.

The president's fingerprint is not required to open the waste basket.

Ahhhh good times.

Some days RULE!